Week One? Done. Only 51 To Go.
I don't know about you but I still write "2017" on a lot of documents. I even look at my journal entries a bit side-ways too.
Before I continue, a heads-up. I've moved the mailing list system in use from TinyLetter to Buttondown. I wrote about why on my blog.
I mentioned a few things that I experienced in 2017 but in there, I implicitly set some goals for 2018. Granted, I love sharing the growth (and the struggle - more on this) that I experience in life because it helps me feel less isolated. I also learn how something I might be overestimating could be more trivial than I expected (or visa versa).
Did you define your goals for 2018 yet? You still have time to do so. When you do, check out why it's important to learn to say no to other things and why you should keep your goals to yourself.