Too Long. Too Short.
The name of this is from the song I’m currently listening to - Daft Punk. Granted, I’m more of a Muse fan (excellent music about raging against the machine that is society).
I have a bit more chapters left in the Parables of the Talents but I strongly recommend reading that after reading Parables of the Sower as well. Obviously, get them from your local library and avoid Amazon (aka ICE’s favorite cloud platform for deportation needs). I’ll write a short post about making that easier but for now, get the Library Extension for your Web browser.
I’m grinding through a bunch of more technical articles (the potential of Web3 - the future of the Web in a decentralized fashion, Facebook’s active involvement in getting Trump elected in 2016 and now in 2020) and I’m now working on a piece of mine that’s more of a ‘hope’ for where we, as society, can let tech take us.
But it’s okay for us to let it all burn down. I’m starting to accept and note that keeping these larger organizations is actually going to exacerbate the problems we’re trying to combat instead of giving us runway to fix them. As history has shown us, oppressive systems operate by first surgically removing any sense of a conscience and then converting the harm they do into their pleasure (be it profit or otherwise).
My question to you is: what do you see in a world that needs not a constant extraction of wealth for people to survive but with a sense of basis needs met? I should have my thoughts on that by next week.