Not Gonna Lie to You, It's Not the Time.
This is a hell of a time. And it's not going to get any better. I'm working on a library around liberation politics, namely around Black liberation. I strongly recommend at least checking it out. If you need some of the books now, let me know and I'll send it. Otherwise, I should have all of them online for you soon.
Stay safe. Stay strong. And please, be smart.
I've been recently laid off with a few dozen people at Glitch. I'm fortunate to have the union negotiate some good severance. I'm kinda looking for work (like I'm doing interviews but I'm not seriously looking until June 15th) but I'm optimizing my hunt to be either at a place that's doing more work aligned with my missions (Glitch is!) or to move into my next role quietly. We'll see.
It's not the time though.