January's Almost Done. Are you Ready?
I always try to look to January as the scratch-pad of the year. Do what you must to get into the habits that you want to embody or refine this year. Use it as a time to refine and sharpen what you think will make you amazing. I used January to do a target alignment of what I could do versus what I aspired to. I wrote about that on my blog.
Reflecting on Growth
There’s something I read today in LifeHacker about the things we realize that can lead to a waste of time when we get older. Some things mentioned felt obvious; others not-so-much. I try to get better at capturing the things and events that frustrate me and understand why they elicit such emotion from me. This is a tactic I pulled from working on software - a form of debugging and reverse engineering. That can be pulled out into a whole post of its own.
Notable Tweets
“Your hero is not coming. We are (the heroes) what we’ve been waiting for.” - Dominique Hollins Lesson: take strategic and thoughful action. Part of the “Closing the Gap and Building Community in Tech” panel. #TechIntersections
“Your hero is not coming. We are (the heroes) what we’ve been waiting for.” - Dominique Hollins
— Regina Walton (@ReginaWalton) January 27, 2018
Lesson: take strategic and thoughful action.
Part of the “Closing the Gap and Building Community in Tech” panel. #TechIntersections
The ultimate truth of Black people in tech. We can’t go back thirty years easily and find people like us in industry. Trust me, if you name someone, I might know of them because I’ve looked. We (Black tech) have to be the future we seek.
“OMG. It went DOWN. We talked Trump. … Colin Kapernick. … Meek Mill. … His twins. … His fight to save his marriage. NOTHING WAS OFF THE TABLE. … SET YOUR DVR NOW FOR 7pm ET on CNN”
“Your hero is not coming. We are (the heroes) what we’ve been waiting for.” - Dominique Hollins
— Regina Walton (@ReginaWalton) January 27, 2018
Lesson: take strategic and thoughful action.
Part of the “Closing the Gap and Building Community in Tech” panel. #TechIntersections
If you don’t understand, ignore this.
The word *privilege* is meaningless.
— #GeniusTweeter (@prisonculture) January 26, 2018
To be unpacked another time.