It's been some time since the sun's kissed me.
I have “everything” I need at home. Everything entails my fitness equipment (bench, weight, resistance ropes, agility track and copious space in my living room) as well as my neighborhood (there’s a mix of flat and heavy incline spots that make running challenging). Because of this as well as my grocers being less than three blocks away, I rarely travel any further than that on a three-day window (unless I’m visiting a client, of course!).
My “hermit” lifestyle piqued when I started my consultancy - there’s no “physical” office outside of the office space I’ve made of my other bedroom (I spend probably as much time in there as I do in bed). Because of this, my friends suggested we do a weekly sync-up to just to hang out. It’s like calendar-invite official. Things like this help out a lot especially when I’m so passionately building stuff for people - it’s hard to let go. But the best thing you can do for anyone else is to take care of yourself.
What’s something you’ve done recently to help yourself help others?