(Bold) Intents and (New) Initiatives
Thank you to everyone who checked in around the time of Hurricane Milton. I wrote a bit about what I experienced, which is more than most can say. I’m glad that folks on the ground were available and for the kids that kept smiles on everyone’s faces. I’ve been nudged by some folks to move away from Florida, to return to California or New York. Despite the move to Florida being a hasty one1, it's given me a chance to be closer to places I've wanted to visit for some time (like New Orleans, Atlanta and Havana, Cuba). The things I've been accustomed to doing in California, though a bit more challenging due to the level of mobility of the area being surrendered to cars, hasn't stopped.
My New Role
As of today, I'm starting a role at the government IT company, Coforma. My focus will be working on benefits with the Veteran Affairs. It's something I'm eager to learn more about and this continues my work in the civic technology space. I expect to write more (as much as I can) in the coming months.
The Writing Turn
I've teased on and off that I'm writing something for the wild. It's nowhere near a point of publishing and I've been told that one of the things you shouldn't do is share the title of said book. Until I can, I'll speak more on the short stories I have coming down the pipeline in due time.
The hopes I have for the end of this year (and the rest of my thirties) is to move less encumbered by the weight of disbelief. The last three years, I had to deal with a lot of pressure that discouraged me from trying anything new or that I really wanted to do. Even sharing some of the work I had in progress resulted in a lot of ridicule that I've come to understand as a want to prevent entry into the space. The intents were clear but it took time to see that clarity. Now with these new headings (or initiatives), I can finally head in the direction that I've always wanted to go in.
I'd say that it was under duress; a bit of an ultimatum was formed that I succumbed to. However, at this point, it's my choice. ↩