Can You Smell What I'm Cooking?
If you know me or ever visited my place, you’ll always be able to tell what I had to eat. I have a lot of pride in my yearn for cooking more than 70% of my dishes are made in the kitchen. From plantains to pies, rice to ravioli and other dishes; I keep it local. Part of my website’s re-design is to publish said experiences so it’d be easier to share and link.
Outside of my home kitchen, there’s my office. I definitely consider it my “lab” where idealization, extrapolation and dissection of all of my and my clients’ ideas occur. The whiteboards in here have seen a lot as well as the tiny mound of notepads filled with notes, sketches and bad UML diagrams. I’m learning more to revisit former routes and to use them as a prerequisite list to reduce the time spent banging my head against the wall and to keep moving forward.
October’s coming to a close soon which means it’s the time of Q4 when everyone is scrambling to make sure books are in the black and begin looking into catering services for those home dinners. I’ll be (hopefully) traveling to a sacred place to me - more on that in the near future. For now, you can (bookmark! or) check out to keep an idea as to what I’m doing right now (give or take a few days).
What does fall look like for you? I want to know!