Bumpy Road?
So I’ve been moving a bit. Physically, because my running speeds are now nominal for my upcoming race. That said, I’ve also made a change work-wise. I haven’t announced it because, well, there’s no need. Transitions in life, particularly in mine, usually only reverberate to immediate family and like two other people. That said, the minute you update a field on LinkedIn, everyone is messaging you like:
“What happened?”
“You good, my G?”
“Hey Jacky, thanks for reading my message. I have an opportunity at X that I’d like to talk about.”
I’m just tuning it all out. I’m passively interviewing but I’m just going to flow on my funds for a bit. Having time to work on indie projects is a blessing and joy that I’m glad to have now. I’ve also began working on updating my contracting page a bit to be more friendly and explanatory.
More Relevant to You
I’m not going to ramble gamble about stuff in here. This is more of a way for me to share with you. Here’s some stuff I’ve been reading (over) the last few days.
Creating your Own Color Palette: Granted, this is focused on the Web but I began taking this for my home decor as well. I was debating tossing and buying some new stuff but that’s against my particular spending rules. Rearranging furniture and bedding made this easy! Now to apply this to my personal site ;)
Beyond the binary: Truly inclusive gender representation: Yo. This post by Morgen of Thurst is a heavy critique of how white bodies move and perform in spaces, especially of those in the tech sector that want to champion their alliance to diversity and inclusion but refuse (strongly) to make their words (be it tweets or verbal) into actual action. Thank you Morgen. For real.
Why The Breastfeeding Vs. Formula Debate Is Especially Critical In Poor Countries: I’m the son of immigrants who came from a place that doesn’t look so foreign to the headlining image. Breast feeding has a heavy tool on women especially with the number of children they have. However, the ramifications of using formula on children is devastating and can lead to more troubling outcomes for the young.
The Power of Positive People: This post is something I really already knew but I didn’t know how to form into words. The statement, “Friends can exert a measurable and ongoing influence on your health behaviors in a way that a diet never can”, is something that struck home for me.
Unfollowing Everyone: I respect Anil a lot. He’s been blogging since close to a decade after I was born and his evolution with it has been interesting. This post is something I think he’s hinted at for the longest and is a trend I see a lot of people taking recently. I’ve teased at it myself regarding expunging my following list on Twitter. I’ve twiddled it down a bit but hitting zero? That feels scary to me. But it would help me use Twitter in a more efficient fashion. That is, until they allow for multiple timelines.
I’m still experimenting with the layout / form of this newsletter. As fluid as I am with my life (and other things), this newsletter will reflect that. Let me know if there’s something you want me to address in particular; I like doing “Drunken History”-style explanations!