August's a New Month. I Like It Just as Much as I Like You.
It’s a new month. The second month in my 26th year. I needed three days to cope with the fact that I’m in my mid-20s and not late-20s. That I still have time to fulfil the dreams I have set out in my mind, the things I want to see. I can do them all. That said, I’ve finally spent some time to work on things I’ve been itching to do for some time. I just needed to be honest to myself about my interests and how I could tie them today.
Launch Day is Coming!
If you don’t already know, I have a product that’s slated to launch in August. I’ve pushed it back a few days from my initial goal due to some changes in life (more on that in a few). Koype has consumed a lot of my time and pushed me to do so much research into how people socialize and represent themselves on the Internet. As someone who’s classed as a very online person, this stuff is important to me! I take pride in not having to repeat myself on stances and being able to just point to a link that concisely expresses my thoughts, experiences and opinion (the true idea behind the DRY principle; it’s not just about code). It also helps in professional contexts where I get asked things over the Web that I’ve answered quite a few times. I’m hoping that it can also work to be that kind of people with this problem. There’s a few more use cases I have in mind — I’ll talk about those later.
I Got Two Jobs Now.
As of August 12th, I’ll be working at Glitch nee Fogcreek. The company that made things like Trello, StackOverflow and now the place to go if you want to work on a friendly web — Glitch. This might come as a shock since I’m very gung-ho about working at a company in the industry. It didn’t take me long to make the decision with them &mdash the company’s worked very explicitly to improve the lives of people without malicious intent or maligned actors. I also trust and know the leadership there to opt for the best decisions when it comes to working with people. It’ll be fun. If you’re reading this before the 12th, you actually know before the rest of the general public. That’s my thanks for being a subscriber — you’re awesome.
Okay, so this is the 412th word in this email. You made it this far. So you shouldn’t have to read anymore. I’ll talk to you hopefully next week about those things I wanted to do for some time. Later!