Applying Theory to Everyday Practice
Recently, I’ve begun the act of becoming a member of the IndieWeb. It’s a novel concept, one that we were on the brink of some time ago (a bit before MySpace for us millennial folx). I’ve even begun using my Mastodon account more often. Why?
It’s about time I’ve put my mouth where my words on the Web tend to go.
For some time, I’ve said that I was anti-corporation-using-my-data-for-money. And I am. But to this day, I still use things like Facebook, Slack, Google and the like to handle day to day communications. I’m willing to make that compromise for work because I’ll then only use it from work but outside of that, I won’t.
I’m working on a project to help make the process of moving to the IndieWeb a lot easier for those who are transitioning. I’ll also be updating my site with information about my transition to the IndieWeb and what it means for those who wish to interact with me on the Internet.
2018 has been a bit of a trip so far and this feels like the truest way in conjunction to my fitness goals to get myself to the place I’m aiming to be as well as helping y’all with whatever it is that I can help with.
That said, what do you need (or want) help with? Software? Health? Decolonizing history? Let me know and I’ll let you know what I can do to help.