A Whopper That's Not Vegan but You Can't Even Eat It Though.
I was about to open this up by saying “we live in an era of X that glorifies Y” but we’ve been doing that since the dawn of idolatry so it doesn’t even matter. But it makes me wonder what can matter. Since transitioning to a full-time contracting, my lifestyle was largely work in the day. Now, after this race I ran, especially with the results, I’m trying to pump it up. But not only in my personal fitness.
Mental Reconfiguration
Look. It’s unlikely that you’re all together up there. I’m not calling you insane - we live in an age of mass denial and blatant disregard for humanity. At the same time, we’re encouraging the need to force a smile all of the time. Fuck that. Get off a bus early on the bus, walk a few blocks off course and cry. Or turn on the shower a little cooler than normal and let it run. Or if you lift weights, push a few more reps. Wherever the stress is, redirect it into something that heals or grows. Forcing an emotion you can’t muster isn’t healthy at all. Fuck that “fake it till you make it” jazz, that’s the luxury of a safety net.
That was a lot, I know. Expect more of it weekly. I’ll be that sharp taste of straight hibiscus tea, no sweetener, no dilution.
Work Balance
I’ve been blessed with a good network so prospecting for client work hasn’t been terribly difficult. That said, I’m letting y’all know about my reforming of black.af. Renaming the existing LLC I’ve had for three years (this is mad work when you work full-time too with regards to taxes) to this took me a bit of work. Doesn’t matter too much, though.
A revamp of my portfolio was done just so it’s easier to read through and get an idea as to what and who I’ve worked with in the past. Squeezing that into my resume works too but I don’t like overly long resumes.
Let me know if you know of anyone looking for Web work - we can make it happen.
Reading List
I might recap this on my site but to start, I’ll catch y’all up on some books I’ve been reading recently. My anteater friend knows what’s good with books - strongly recommend the watch.
No lie, I had high ass hopes for this book. I read it earlier into the year and I thought it was going to be a popping ass read. It wasn’t, lol. Seriously - just skip it altogether.
Bruh. I was late to the game when it came to this book. It’s been on my shelf for a minute and I blew through it in a week. I entered it with so many questions and left it with more but also so satisfied. A recommended science fiction read for those - mature content warning, though.
The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business
So, this was a read also on my shelf but I punted on it hard for a while. I took a lot of learning lessons and notes from it. The author has highlights from the book. Pretty solid stuff.
I’m still working on my book report layout for my site (but that’s part of a whole ass extraction I’m doing - tout suite my G, tout suite!).
This was a long one. But I’d be fake if I ain’t put a blog post I wrote recently. If you’re not into Vim, then it wouldn’t be terribly relevant. It’s about using language servers within NeoVim. Check it when you want.