Who will win? Content SEO vs Technica SEO
You know what doesn't get enough love in the SEO world?
Technical SEO has seen a resurgence in recent times with literal communities being built around it.
But Content SEO? it gets swept to the side.
It doesn't have to be this way though.
The way I see it, it's a symbiotic relationship.
You need content, without a doubt.
But if technical issues plague your site, then the content won't matter.
You know what else doesn't matter? a technically sound site that lacks good content.
See what I mean?
I don't know why people don't give Content SEO more love.
It's a lot more fun than digging through code and messing with canonicals, redirects and hreflangs.
With content, you get to do some really fun stuff.
What's the most amount of fun you can have with technical SEO? a quirky robots.txt? give me a break.
We did some outrageously creative things with content at Property Finder, like:
- pool sun timetable (find out how much sun a tower gets and decide if its right for you!)
- if Game of Thrones were set in Dubai, where would you live?
Yes it's unusual but when everyone else was writing really boring stuff, we were out there trying to make house hunting far more glorious than it actually is.
This is what I mean when I say that Content SEO needs to be given the time of day.
It's the sort of stuff that breathes more life into your brand.
It gives people more reasons to return to your site.
And if you want to talk SEO, well, fantastic content gives people a reason to link.
Who doesn't want more links?
So before you bag on content as part of a robust SEO strategy, take a step back.
Take both Content andTechnical by the hand.
And walk towards SEO glory.
Til a Google penalty do you part.
Peace, Jaaved
ps. I love my Technical SEO family. Please don't cancel me!
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