My website dropped the ball
What’s good?
15 days into the new year. How’s your SEO going?
Mine has been unreal.
For 2 reasons:
I sent my email on a Wednesday last week, instead of my usual Monday. I had the best open rate ever. Interesting.
For some reason, quite a few blog posts from my own site, are no longer in Google’s index.
It’s a mixture of old and new blog posts.
Now I make a habit of informing Google of every new page I publish on my site(s). You should too.
This is a good habit to get into along with sharing on social. It helps let everyone know you’ve got stuff they should read.
And it's a good Plan B. (more on that later).
Now back to why my content isn’t showing? Who knows.
I know that might not be the answer you’re expecting.
Thing is: sometimes you just don’t know why a page that was once in the index, is no longer in the index.
It could be any number of things.
In my case, there’s no obvious explanation.
So I just went back into Google Search Console and requested a visit from Google for every single page that’s gone missing.
Now I sit back and wait.
All of this matters because if Google doesn’t have your content in the index, it won’t be served to people when they search.
And when your content can’t be found by people searching for it, it’s pretty much invisible.
And then, like I always ask: what’s the point?
So keep an eye on your pages in Google Search Console.
And just keep checking that your stuff is still in the index.
And as always: keep sharing your content wherever it makes sense to do so.
Because this is your backup plan (aka Plan B) and ensures people are still visiting your pages, even if Google decides to drop it from the index.
We often forget the power of word of mouth. And we can get lazy by simply publishing and then moving onto the next thing.
Create once, distribute forever. That's the name of the game. (hat tip to Ross Simmonds for this one).
Diversify your bonds, as Wu-Tang Financial would advise.
Always be creating. Always be sharing. Always be caring.
You know it makes sense.
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