I lost subscribers last week :(
I lost 2 subscribers after last week's email.
That's a big deal, when you have a small list like mine.
It's also a big deal when you maintain a 50%+ open rate with your emails, like I do.
And it got me thinking - what did I do wrong?
Now I know there's no such thing as a perfect email list.
People sub and unsub all the time.
But, I care because I take my emails seriously!
All I can think of is that my email wasn't helpful enough.
They read it and thought, nah, who let bro cook. And hit unsubscribe.
It must have been pretty bad though.
Because I get loads of unhelpful emails but I don't unsubscribe.
Maybe I'm lazy, or maybe I'm letting bro cook just a bit more.
Which brings me to the point of this email and the connection with SEO.
Right now, everything is about AI.
People are struggling to differentiate between fact and fiction.
Man and robot.
AI and I.
It's all a bit freaky.
But everything has 2 sides. It can either harm or help you.
Water - helps you quench your thirst. But could drown you if you mess with it. See what I mean?
Same with AI. It can be incredibly helpful but could also be used in destructive means.
No shit, I know.
Look at it the same way with SEO. You have to be helpful.
I've talked about this many times before.
Everything you do on your site should be geared towards helpfulness.
Yes, you may need to be creative with CRO to get more sales or whatever.
But you still need your content to be helpful.
Like, if you were an online florist, you could create a huge content section on plant and flower care. Yes we know plants and flowers need sunlight and water but this varies from flora to flora. People need to know this.
I am willing to bet my bottom dollar that every florist gets a call a week from someone who complains about their flowers/plants because they didn't look after it properly.
But if you give them this info beforehand or at least make it readily and easily available, people have no excuse to let that plant/flower die.
Yes people are weird and do dumb things like put pour too much water or leave their green friend in the direct sunlight when they need to be in the shade...and so on.
But at least you've done your bit: you were helpful.
Right now, being super helpful is super important.
And if you tie that up with your own profile (as in, show that you're real and human), it makes an even bigger impact.
People can trust you. You show experience, expertise, authority and trust. E-E-A-T (it's the latest buzzword in SEO land).
There's more to this than I can relay in an email.
But lesson for me first and foremost (and you my friends is): ABH
Make content easy to read, understand and share.
And use SEO to make it easy to find.
That's it.
You know it makes sense.
PS. I would love to run a free website audit for you or someone you know. I'll send a video so you can enjoy the dulcet tones of my voice and all these wild SEO words. And as always: it's free but highly actionable. Reply to this email to make good on this offer!
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