I'm thrilled to announce that
The Haceinda was published on Tuesday, May 3, and is now available in hardcover, ebook, and audio in the U.S., Canada, and the UK!
Order it now!

A Book of the Month Club May Pick
A Barnes & Noble May Discover Pick
I have also been sitting on the delicious secret of a number of foreign translation deals and cannot wait to announce them when the time comes!
Launch week is always an exciting time for debut authors, but I had the somewhat dubious honor of going through not one, but two enormous career milestones this past week.
On Monday, I successfully defended my PhD dissertation in Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations.
I have been absent from your inboxes over the last few months because of the demands of finishing the dissertation and preparing to defend it, but it was all worth it. I'm a doctor now! (And an exhausted one, at that.)
I'm too flattened to be chatty in this issue of my newsletter, but I wanted to say that I am humbled by the reception
The Hacienda has received from critics and readers thus far. Humbled, profoundly grateful, and overjoyed that this story has resonated with so many individuals across the country and across the world.
Thank you, dear readers. I would not be here without you.
Below are some recent publicity highlights and information on upcoming virtual events. I am going to spend the next while recovering from this exciting week and diving back into Book 2 revisions, but I will be in touch soon!
Recent Press
Podcasts Interviews
I will be doing a virtual event with the indie bookstore
the Poisoned Pen on Monday, May 9, at 6:15PST/9:15EST.
This is an online event at Facebook Live and Youtube Live, so be sure to subscribe to
the Poisoned Pen's YouTube channel so as not to miss out!
If you enjoy the informality and fun chat of Instagram lives, I will be doing two next week! Be sure to follow me on Instagram
@isabelcanas_ so you are ready to hop on and tune into these conversations!
- On Wednesday, May 11th at 8pm, I will be in conversation with fellow Berkley author Bradeigh Godfrey, one half of the brilliant romance duo Ali Brady and author of the forthcoming The Beach Trap!
- On Friday, May 13th at 7pm, I will be reveling in Friday the 13th spookiness with the one and only, the queen of dark fantasy atmosphere, Hannah Whitten, New York Times Bestselling author of For The Wolf and the forthcoming For The Throne (June 9)!