Hey all!
It’s been a minute since I last popped into your inboxes, but I have good reasons for my radio silence, I swear—it’s been a wild few months of copyedits, pass pages, and meetings as we prep for the launch of
Vampires of El Norte. Oh, and I’ve been drafting a secret project (or two… I may or may not be 2-6 major publishing secrets in a trench coat masquerading as a writer).
Oh, and one last thing—I moved across the country in February.
I’m based in Seattle now! I live in a house! We got a car! And a dog! What!

This is Maple. She’s a mellow, older Rottie and/or Bernese mix, a sentient weighted blanket, and an absolute loving lump. She gets me out of the house every day and cuddles the bejesus out of me and my husband on the couch whenever given the chance. She only ever barks when she’s dreaming (the cutest thing I have ever witnessed) and has impeccable manners for a rescue who was found abandoned. Basically, she’s perfect, and I have no idea why anyone would ever give her up. Their loss, I guess.
I’m popping into your inbox like your favorite spring flower (mine are daffodils, I feel such joy whenever I see a gloriously bright patch of daffodils on an otherwise gray spring day) because I bear exciting news: my publisher is currently running
a Goodreads giveaway for ten paperback Advance Reader Copies of
Vampires of El Norte!
Anyone who has a Goodreads account can enter until April 30th, when the giveaway closes and the lucky winners are selected. Smash
this link to enter—and may the odds be ever in your favor!

Maple also loves daffodils.
In the meantime, you can always
preorder Vampires of El Norte from your favorite retailer. Though most readers don’t preorder books like they used to, the publishing industry still operates in such a way that it
really relies on preorders to make books visible in-house and to secure them important opportunities in the big bad corporate world
—both of which are essential to not only the book’s success on publication day, but to the author’s future books as well.
If you were already planning on buying
Vampires of El Norte anyway, I can’t stress enough how much
preordering makes a difference, whether it
’s a Kindle ebook or from Barnes & Noble or through your favorite indie bookstore. It’s the absolute best support you can give to any author!
(Thank you so much for listening to my little spiel. *
Hops off of publishing soapbox.)
I’ll be back in your inboxes this summer to talk more about giveaways, upcoming events (I’m planning something special for PNW-based folks!), and more as we draw closer to the release of
Vampires of El Norte.
In the meantime, stay well, stay spooky, and here
’s hoping your seasonal allergies aren
’t hitting as bad as mine!
Talk soon xx