A long overdue hello!
The Hacienda Updates
The Hacienda (which you can pre-order here or wherever fine books are sold, if you haven't already!) received a starred review in Publishers Weekly. They called it a “stunning debut,” adding that “Cañas clearly knows the genre, alternately deploying and subverting haunted house tropes. The result is a brilliant contribution to the new wave of postcolonial Gothics. Readers won’t want to miss this.”
The Hacienda has been included on a number of lists of anticipated reads for 2022, including Goodreads Members' Most Anticipated Books of 2022 and LitHub Crime Reads Most Anticipated Crime Fiction of 2022, which called The Hacienda “lush, beautiful, and completely deserving of the comparisons to Rebecca” and “essential reading in the gothic revival.”


Forthcoming Stories
I’ve sold a few stories since we last chatted! Here is a full list of my short fiction appearing in 2022:
“The Law of Take” in GigaNotoSaurus (March 2022).
“Six Goats” in Fireside Magazine (May 2022).
I have two flash pieces forthcoming in 2022, though I’m not sure when they’ll come out: “There Are No Monsters On Rancho Buenavista” (which is set in the world of my next novel!) will appear in Nightmare Magazine and “Stay” in Lightspeed Magazine.
2021 Favorites | books I disappeared into over the last few months
I read 53 books this year! I thought I would share a few that really stood out from the pack.
A quick catchup, ft. promises to be back soon:
- I searched for and then moved into a beautiful apartment in Park Slope that has multiple rooms. (Context for newcomers: my husband and I spent two years—including the spring 2020 lockdown—in a tiny, tiny studio.) I have my own office. I have a bedroom with a door that shuts. Luxury untold!
- I traveled (!) and saw beloved friends and family in Chicago, Austin, Lyon, and London.
- I finished one dissertation chapter that was giving me so much trouble, wrote another one, and have just begun the final chapter.
- In between these, I started and finished my draft of Book 2 and sent it to my editor.
- I scheduled my PhD dissertation defense.
- I celebrated my 31st birthday.
- I sampled many delicious restaurants in my new neighborhood, including the best Turkish food I’ve had in the U.S.
- I saw Waitress and Hadestown on Broadway.
- I returned to Canada for the holidays and slept for three weeks.
- When introduced to a hypoallergenic cat, I discovered that cats are delightful and begged my husband for one. He wants a dog. I also want a dog. Truthfully, a dog is better for our personalities, home, and lifestyles. But LOOK AT THIS CAT.

It’s an interesting feeling, sizing up a new year with the knowledge that in a decade, I’ll look back on these months as a huge, gleaming milestone. As a pivot point. As the beginning of some things and the end of others. It’s like shaking hands with a complete stranger, knowing full well that you’ll marry them in time, and that this is The Moment where a lifetime of memories with them begin.
I entered the academy on the roll of the dice. I gambled that a PhD program would be a good place to hide out from my student loans, learn more languages, and get teaching experience while I got my writing career off the ground. It has not been an easy journey. Academia has a bad rap for destroying people’s mental health, and it’s well-earned.
I never gave up on my original goal of becoming a career writer. Every year since I entered my PhD program in 2015, I wrote a novel of 90k words words or more. Some were bad. Some are salvageable (albeit cringeworthy). One got me my agent. Another is launching my career.
I took a risk, rolling those dice. Academia is a gamble; publishing is a gamble. But finally, after years of hard work and rejection, I’ve had some luck. I’m humbled by it. I’m grateful for it, and for the fact that you’re here, following along. Thank you. From the bottom of my heart.
In the meantime, take care. This year will be one full of challenges, but also new chapters. So many blank pages await us, friend. I am utterly delighted that you’re here to share it with me.