IS: What's going on?
Upcoming public events:
- Friday March 7: Intentional Ventures Build-a-thon - Week 1 Generative Ideation Limicon
- Saturday March 8: Fishbowl: Community Tending Limicon
- Friday March 14: IS Connection Call
- Friday March 14: Intentional Ventures Build-a-thon - Week 2 Collaborative Chemistry Limicon
- Saturday March 15: Post-Emerge w/ Daniel Thorson Limicon
Community Hub calls for Season 17 members continue every Sunday through March 23. Last Sunday's session was called "Integral Beauty".
Last week I wrote about Limicon 2025 and Intentional Society and The Dreaded C-word.
What's going on? A lot, as you can see above, starting with two events in the next two days. If you want to explore entrepreneurship with a values-aligned holistic relational mindset, the four-week four-session Build-a-thon is for you! The Community Tending fishbowl will explore the question, "How can community stewards cultivate liminal/metamodern/postconventional communities that thrive?" with a musical-chairs aspect of people entering-and-exiting the fishbowl discussion.
Most of our open events in March can be found inside the Limicon convention space (except for the IS Connection Call, but you'll see folks from Limicon there too). That space is rapidly heating up — there were a dozen sessions offered there just today, with well over 100 on the calendar already! The convention has 270 members already, with 27 days left on the smorgasbord of open-space offerings. (tickets still available, plus need-based gift tickets)
Internally, our Community Hub calls on Sundays have now been led by six different members in the last six weeks, a new high-mark in the development of our leaderful culture. Money, death, relational attunement, agency, beauty, embodiment — what a stimulating array of explorations!
Our "Pods" program, refined and managed by Ola, is running anew with 4 pods this time. Each with 4 people doing 4 calls, everyone gets a turn in the center for either circling or casework. With some Intentional Ventures folks mingled in this time, small groups streams like this may evolve into another core thread of the IS tapestry.
What's going on around IS is also intriguing: new strategy within Second Renaissance, networking of developmental-relational practice community leaders, a physical fall gathering on "village-ing", renewal at Lume Network, and oh yes that stealth project...
What's going on in the world... tumultuous times. Seems like a bunch of cracks are becoming more visible. Disruption potential looms large. Being who we want to be, enlarging our capacity for perspective-taking and being with it all... I can think of no better way to hold on to our highest humanity in dark times.
What's going on in you?