IS: What I'm excited about
Upcoming open events:
- Saturday November 30 - Practice Dojo: Being With It All #4
- Tuesday December 3 - Second Renaissance Barn Raising (11:30am-3:30pm Eastern)
IS Calls start at 1pm Pacific Time (4pm Eastern, 9pm UTC). Community calls for Season 16 run every Sunday through December 22.
What are you excited about? No, really — this is James, I'm a human, and you can reply to this email. If you want to tell me something you're excited about, I promise I'll read it. I'll go first. Inspired by a conversation this week, here's what I am excited about in late 2024:
I'm excited that you are reading these words and that we can connect (and see each other's faces in real time!) across the globe in this age of technological abundance.
I'm excited to be co-hosting the Second Renaissance Barn Raising work party on December 3rd — four hours within which you can drop in and "write a postcard" from your learning journey that can help others on their own similar path of exploration!
I'm excited for friends to be leading the next few IS Community Calls, because I like learning from them and because I've been slowly pushing towards "self-led" becoming more normal.
I'm excited that Intentional Ventures has figured out how to let a first few new folks in while still protecting the depth of trust we've already cultivated — and that it's already seeing early impact.
I'm excited that a fuller, more comprehensive "stack" of spaces is weaving itself together across the wider network. Wherever someone is on their intentional journey, there should be a place where they can belong, resonate with similar folks, and continue developing right at their edge. One "sweet spot" can only cover so much, but we're starting to sprinkle the entire map with sweetness and opportunity!
I'm excited about a couple 2025 projects already in the works, which are under wraps for now but, both of which will bring more people together and help people discover new spaces and practices they thrive with!
Zooming out, I'm excited about the breadth and depth of this space in 2024 compared to 2020 — and zooming in, I'm glad to be living inside it every day, with amazing collaborators and friends drawing closer together as we draw closer to the more beautiful world we envision.