IS: Surprising Convergence!
Upcoming public events:
- Friday January 17 - Connection Call (fka Office Hours)
IS calls start at 1pm Pacific Time (4pm Eastern, 9pm UTC). Community Hub calls for Season 17 run every Sunday through March 23.
It's like an onion, see. There are layers from the outermost layer down through to the core, and that dimension is something like "wisdom". The deeper down the layers you go, the deeper the wisdom. The conventional world wanders around on the surface layer of the onion, and it's us (be honest) weirdos that start digging. We dig deeper to make sense of things, to find meaning, motivation, purpose, resources, to follow the pull of our bigger-self/life/universe/God. Our shovels are something like "developmental perspective transformation" and it leads to peace and joy, capacity, insight, clarity, wholeness, balance, effectiveness, integrity, enlightenment.
So people are everywhere, mostly on the surface, but also everywhere throughout the three-dimensional topology of this wisdom onion. And the interesting thing about the layers of an onion is, they get smaller as you go deeper and deeper toward the core. So... the people get closer together, farther down. There's so much disagreement and divergence of view up at the surface of conventional society. But when you bump into people at the deeper layers... there's a surprising convergence effect.
There's some sort of convergence effect, or shrinkage-of-distance, that connects people in the deeper onion layers with each other and with each other's understanding/perspective. As if there's a point at the very core, and there are a million directions you could go away from it but only one direction toward it and closer you go to it the closer you also get to other people similarly close approaching that same point — even if you started on opposite sides of the onion originally! "The mystics of all religions sound alike" seems like this exact effect.
The thing that excites me about this right now is that the density inside the onion seems to keep increasing. The next three months, especially culminating in Limicon 2025 bringing together the Liminal Web, is going to be just bananas. To me at least, and probably many others in this field — so much is converging at the level of collaborations, projects, orgs, nodes of coherence. (ignore the acronyms) IS with DRPG with Limicon with IV (twice) with GW with 2R and it's not just one thread making a circle it's almost N^2 connection density plus for each named node I'm involved with there's another three and it's getting so... it feels like the nuclear pile is almost to criticality, just a few more bricks and the whole thing starts to cascade and resonate and energy produces more energy.
Energy that makes a "movement"! (Not quite the right word, I don't have a better one.) I dare to dream that it's almost and already here and I'm just a little ahead in the tasting of it. Not a sweep-the-globe-in-an-instant movement of ideology — transformation is slow. But a movement with a humming, throbbing core, pulsing from the hopping party we're having across the smaller layers of the onion where we've found each other, allied with each other, and become unshakeable and unstoppable in the convergence of our wisdom and power.
It's time to be collectively who we are and are called to be. It's time to live as a lighthouse, inhabiting the more beautiful wiser weller world, no longer liminal denizens in a time between worlds, but being and advancing the new attractor of meta-stability, the self-sustaining generator function, the post-tragic pragmatic protopia of life and abundance.
Feeling that convergence right now this very moment, I am (in my own self-transforming process) cohering, integrating, embodying, becoming... more a vessel of service, more in tune with this animating force, more in tune with my actual real self (which also isn't real enough to constrain), more agentic, more self-trusting, more daring. I vow to live fully embracing glorious, exhilarating life at the ever-evolving edge (also the ever-present origin) of unfolding aliveness.
The deeper layers sparkle and hum with vitality. I have my calling of becoming, and you have yours (which is unique to you, even in the deep, small layers), and our callings are interwoven with each others' as we sprout and unfurl into the living breathing ecosystem of this... thing that cannot be truly named, but which I've been pointing to with the words: intentional society.