IS: Election Intensity
Upcoming open events:
- Saturday November 2 - Practice Dojo: Being With It All #2
- Friday November 8 - Office Hours
Calls start at 1pm Pacific Time (4pm Eastern, 8pm UTC). Community calls for Season 16 run every Sunday through December 22.
The big US election is very present and looming in my local reality right now, just five days away. Also, it's Halloween today — but believe me nothing is scarier to millions of folks than the prospect of their political opponents having power over the leadership of the country. I've started tuning into "election Twitter" and wow, the amount of panic and conflict energy streaming through those little text snippets is enormous.
Thus it feels timely that the focus of this next Being With It All is "wrongness in the world", as the polarization in the political sphere is so salient to our personal bad-ness radars. Famine, war, poverty, disease, are also out there happening to millions in the world, yet maybe the added aspect of "not only did my team lose, but the other team won and is gloating insufferably" activates us in a way somewhat different to pure suffering and sadness?
It also brings cliff-hanger uncertainty to us: a bad thing that might happen but also might not? That stresses our predictive brains, to have hugely different outcomes hang on such thin margins!
As we discovered in our initial session, being with others and staying with ourselves is a powerful regulating practice setting that helps us to get out from the inside of whatever grips us, into a space of greater capacity and freedom and okayness. We don't turn away from intensity, but we make more room for it to not overwhelm us. It can be highly cathartic and helpful!
Join us this Saturday, probably with multiple breakouts/tracks for different flavored intensities (election & other? we'll see), to taste an oasis of spaciousness, relief, and support as we grow and carry with us our capacity to be how we want to be, in relationship to whatever is already coming our way.