Intentional Society: Words of the beautiful world
The last newcomer orientation call of the season and year will occur Saturday, December 16th at 1:00-1:55pm Pacific Time (4pm Eastern, 9pm UTC). Click here to register.
I'm not sure how to share with you today, dear reader. (...which doesn't stop me, of course, but I want you to know of the unknowing.) I've particularly felt the inadequacy of words as carriers of meaning this week. It's not their fault, though — words are no more rich or impoverished or apt or inadequate than they have been. I am simply carrying a sense of enormity right now, a vastness of meaning flowing through the twin braid of vision and desire.
Eisenstein coined a turn of phrase that has become a powerful meme: "The more beautiful world our hearts know is possible". I'm not familiar with the bulk of his work, but that phrase is so evocative, isn't it? Let it in, and it (re)connects you and me with our most transcendent glimpses and our deepest longings.
On my better days I believe I can see how we can get there. That doesn't feel socially safe to say (though the safety of that defensiveness is an illusion). But I initiated Intentional Society from a place of connection with a vision of progression: of change and evolution and development that self-reinforces and coheres and pulls us to it. Like a black hole warps the fabric of spacetime, like a bowling ball on a mattress, there's a gravity exerted on me (at least, the way I experience it) by the call of the beauty of the... (what word could suffice??) configuration of the universe.
Curse these impotent words with a wry smile 😏, scapegoating them for the excruciating ineffability of the transmission. But do not (I say to myself) mistake the pointer-finger for the moon — others, too, see this moon! Or perhaps "stairway to heaven" is the better metaphor to remix. It takes (tangible, not "magic") experience beyond words, to taste and know the way of being that unlocks the bridge to that promised land. Words are our most powerful and scalable means of communication by far, and their contextual-single-sidedness means there is no universal description that is even helpful to all, let alone sufficient.
Awareness (consciousness, intelligence) is our super-power on this Earth. Our awareness of our awareness unlocks an ability to increase and stabilize this power. Our connection (togetherness, same-sidedness) bootstraps and sustains the context (culture) that makes this intentional movement toward this intentional world possible.
Resonance to all the seers. Forgive the foibles of this finger.