Intentional Society: One year later
Our orientation call series resumes this Saturday December 4th, 1:00-1:55pm Pacific Standard Time (4pm Eastern, 9pm UTC)
Looking back at the history page of, I see that it was December 5th of last year when I first published the call to gather like-minded folks under the banner of Intentional Society. That call/manifesto/document doesn't seem too cringe yet -- the problems haven't changed, and awareness and intention are still great metasystemic skills. The solution description is a little abstruse overall, I'd say. Can I condense it more pithily a year later? I might say something like...
Relational practices with developmental intention to expand our perspectives and become our fullest selves, while building a culture+org that can spread itself.
Not bad... pretty punchy IMHO for a pretty complex strategy. Participants and allies, how would you express or emphasize the essence of IS any differently?
After two weeks of Circling, connecting it back to developmental intention seems like a good way to complete the loop this Sunday. Then we'll have only two more General Sessions left in the season and the year. December 26th will be our fourth quarterly break, after 46 meetings in 2021. What will next year look like? I don't know, but I look forward to zooming out and doing some community sense-making to realize the intention of Intentional Society -- that entity which is larger than any of us, contains all of us, and yet is nothing but us plus constructs of [belief time practice trust agreements resonance flow].