Intentional Society: Keeping the campfire burning
Last week I used a boating metaphor to describe our Q2 focus of trying some small groups as a way to deepen, customize, and diversify our explorations of personal and relational growth. We're mid-process on this: I might say that we built out a variety of boat hulls last Sunday, and that we'll finish building out the interiors this week. Our first voyages then intend to go for four weeks before we mix things up again.
I want to be clear, though, that we're keeping the campfire burning and continuing to welcome new faces! We'll loop back around to some of the most enjoyed relational practices, introducing them to more people and building relationships. These are games and exercises about listening and reflecting well, asking curious questions, noticing and naming interpersonal dynamics, and feeling into group sense-making. Fun stuff! (in my humble opinion) and approachable at any time.
Approaching the campfire starts with our Saturday introductory calls! These are resuming tomorrow - click here to register and join me at 1:00-1:55pm Pacific (4pm Eastern, 8pm UTC) Saturday April 24th. These are small personalized video calls that provide the vision and background behind Intentional Society and an orientation to our current structure and activities. Joining in this call tomorrow will give you the opportunity to join the first round of small groups, but you're also invited to hang out on the beach for a bit and acclimate first.
As this email list grows, I should probably do a better job of re-contextualizing the big picture of Intentional Society, huh? Welp... don't have time for that today, so here's a link to the newsletter archive if you'd like to review the week-to-week happenings I've been writing about for the last four months.