Intentional Society: Four weeks of learning reports
Pushed back one week: our next orientation video call is now Saturday, September 16th at 1:00-1:55pm Pacific Time (4pm Eastern, 8pm UTC).
Concrete catch-up: After some jangly-ness juxtaposing Circling and Clean Language four weeks back, we relaxed into a session of "I can't believe it's not Circling" which was much more balm-y as we bathed in laughter and relaxation and kind connection.
Two weeks ago I brought forth in translation, from an in-person retreat, a supportive-awareness practice that aimed at something about halfway between presence practice and case work. This produced some bifurcated experiences once again! The diversity in our relation-to-the-frame of whatever practice we're experimenting with has popped up multiple times as a meta thing that itself wants to be noticed--> accepted--> integrated in our cultural fabric.
This connected to (though not super directly) our session last week of "story debugging", which also contained an extra layer of practice-crafting experiment bundled in. I don't think we came out of that with any collective sense of "this is the way" to the intention of helping our stories become more accurate. I want to come back to this, but it seems foggy to me... if "story-divergence-noticing" and "frame-breaking" are real-time skills we want to hone, it seems quite difficult to go at those directly, because if you do then that is your outer frame for practicing, so you're not really practicing frame-breaking. Does that make sense?
This week we're doing our cherished giving-and-receiving practice, leaving us then the final few weeks of the season to, I figure, really make contact with the story of Intentional Society itself. It is us, it is an organization, it is a vision, it is a living system. I am sensing something that wants to flow with more vitality, opening up the throttle to boldness and ambition and daring to own our desires and step into our power... it doesn't feel like a regular season transition — I'm anticipating something of a larger metamorphosis, and I'm writing it here and now in order to challenge myself to not back down from playing my part in this as a caller and as a practitioner.