Intentional Society: Caring, giving and receiving, marketing
Our next newcomer orientation will be Saturday, November 12th.
"What do we care about?" a.k.a. describing our landscape of care last week turned out pretty beautifully — in part due to the rich and meaningful topic no doubt, but also notably due to the spacious format of 60-minute breakouts in groups of 3-4. This feedback continues to tune our balance of container-and-space, optimizing for energy-giving experiences.
Next we're returning to a giving and receiving practice that we learned about last season, actually doing the practice adapted to our IS context. This is something with a lot of potential energy attached, and we were very excited to play in this space! The dual purpose is to create value directly for ourselves, and to improve our relationship to value-flow interactions. We might not nail it first try (which is already totally fine), and I'm looking forward to what we learn here over repeated touchpoints and as an ongoing "backbone" type element of our community.
Lastly for the moment, I'm thinking about marketing. IS is visible in/to a handful of niche internet communities that we appreciate and align and ally with, but this doesn't seem like a complete strategy. "Finding the others" is a continuous process, and I have a model that our (current, at least) zone-of-resonance is not wide enough that word-of-mouth makes up the completion of that strategy either. But it's not "people make it inside and then don't have a good experience", so the direction I'm looking is at our visibility. The website/communication can be fairly easily improved, but visibility enables communication enables resonance. How should IS become a bit more visible? I'm conceptually aligned with non-coercive marketing but a novice in marketing generally and especially how to interact ethically with that domain given how ads have been arguably one of the greatest systemic evils of our modern world. Got any thoughts or ideas re visibility?