The reign of the Vanessas Hudgen
I think the big advantage of writing the way I do is that I'm freed from the tyranny of narrative utilitarianism.
If I were writing about characters intended to be Good People, then every decision they made would be kind of a foregone conclusion: they'd have to do the Right Thing, even if that Right Thing is personally unsatisfying.
But because all my characters are fucked-up horny little freaks, they can make decisions that are petty and selfish and deranged. Which is much more fun to write about.
Anyway. The next Casefile of Jay Moriarty story is almost finished.
Podcast Appearance: I Will Fight You
In the latest episode of I Will Fight You, we recap all three of Netflix's Princess Switch movies and chronicle the ascension of God-Empress Olivia of Montenaro.
You can listen to the episode here, or wherever podcasts are found.
Smashwords End of Year Sale
As of this mailout, there's still a day or two left of the End of Year sale over at Smashwords. A lot of my books are on sale for 50% off or more, and my novelette "Jay Moriarty Violates the Official Secrets Act" and short story "Move Fast and Break Things" are both currently free to download!
You can find my books on Smashwords here, and sale prices are valid through to January 1.
This Week's Links
This point bears underlining: every single person I have spoken to in the NHS- from local GPs to the National bosses- told me they are powerless. There is nobody at any level of the organisation who takes responsibility for the state the service is in and the suffering it is causing. Every single person blames the person above them, even the man at the top.
Jeans designed for kicking people. Sold by Century Martial Arts from 1977 to around 2015. Featured an "exclusive gusset in the crotch."
I know there's still a day left in the year but at this point I think it's safe to say Star Trek's predicted Irish Reunification of 2024 isn't happening, folks.