Today, two items — an announcement and a new book notes post:
We’re refreshing this newsletter!
It’s got a new name — Hypotenuse — a new landing page, and a new weekly cadence.
Our mission is to build an interdisciplinary space, by and for the internet, pushing forward the frontiers of independent, alternative learning.
Hypotenuse is our weekly newsletter about what we’re up to and how you can get involved.
In addition to our monthly launch announcements, you can expect curated resources on learning and pedagogy, community updates, event invitations, questions, and behind the scenes Hyperlink updates.
Can we ask a quick favor?
If you know someone who’s interested in internet education, independent learning, pedagogical play — could you send them this link and suggest they subscribe?
(Also appreciate a retweet here!)
Thanks, and as always, feedback / suggestions very welcome!
New in the Hyperlink Library: notes on the Alternative Art School Fair, Pioneer Works’ 2016 event showcasing dozens of fascinating creative & alternative learning institutions from around the world.
We’ve compiled favorite excerpts from the self-descriptions of many of the participating schools, as well as links to their websites for further perusal:
Book Notes: Alternative Art School Fair
Hyperlink is greatly inspired by creative and alternative pedagogy in general, and many of these institutions in particular.
The AASF brought together all manner of wonderful organizations that create powerful, playful, generous, transformative spaces for learning. We suggest getting to know them!
—The Hyperlink Team