Dispatches from the End of the Alphabet
Vapormage Will Drop in 2025
December 23, 2024
At the start of this year, I decided that it was time to stop waffling. I had a book I believed in and had put a lot of effort into, I had a query letter, I...
Bunny Goes Back to School
October 15, 2024
First, a bit of housekeeping. For whatever reason, I’ve been getting a lot of spam signups to this newsletter. Most of them sit ignored without verification,...
This Will All End In Tears
August 27, 2024
There won’t be a short story on this one, the whole thing is kind of a story. Basically I’m blogging, be afraid I first went to XOXO in 2015. I had heard...
Star of Stage and Screen
June 10, 2024
I’m adapting Vapormage for film. I mean I don’t expect it to ever get picked up and I might not even finish it (plenty of other things going on in my life,...
Left Turn at Albuquerque
May 6, 2024
Hello! You might be wondering why there wasn’t a newsletter last month. The answer is: I forgot Anyway! I’ve been up to things. A new episode of Demo Disk,...
Vroom vroom / Demo Disk Launch
March 10, 2024
Busy month, love a manic period First off: I bought a car. Been looking at doing so for a while; my old Mini was old enough to go to college, so I was due to...
Oh No I Have Another Project
February 11, 2024
Story time! Well, IRL story I mean Years and years ago, I used to do a regular Saturday Twitch stream that I dubbed "Demo Disk". (This was back when I was...
Oh look it's 2024
January 6, 2024
Hey hi it's a new year As promised, I kinda let myself be away from writing work for much of December. I figured... agents are generally focused on holidays,...
The Post-NaNo Report
December 9, 2023
So I said I'd do one of these a month and then didn't do one last month because I'm 🎉 reliable 🎉 Anyway hi! Last month was National Novel Writing Month, aka...
I am, indeed, still alive
October 2, 2023
When I last used this thing I mentioned that I didn't really have anything to talk about. So I didn't send any newsletters for checks 9 months? Hoo doggy....
Episode 4: Project Management
December 8, 2022
Topic du jour I kinda suspected this would happen. I know a lot of folks can just go on, talking about nothing, without feeling self-conscious or anything...
Episode 3: Character Creator
December 1, 2022
Topic du jour Is "character creator" not just another term for a fiction writer? No it's not nobody says that ANYWAY I've been thinking a bit about names...
Episode 2: Om Nom Nom
November 24, 2022
Topic du jour In the US, today is Thanksgiving. For Canada, it's a very M. Bison "but for me it was Thursday" kind of day, in my experience. I used to live...
Episode 1: Shoegaze Posting
November 17, 2022
Topic du jour I'm allowed one bit of navel-gazing, it's a new project. So yeah, this is new, I don't know what I want to do with it exactly. I even said...