DTV - Nothing Doing 21-25
Welcome back comic appreciators. As a quick reminder, the first print issue of Nothing Doing is available for preorder! Sales will continue from now until October 10 — see the listing for more details. And now: comics
TODAY’S COMICS: Nothing Doing 21-25
![p1: Autumn is standing in a void sipping a soda blankly. A bubble of energy is radiating in the top right corner. p2: A portal opens up in the top right corner and a fuzzy alien vwoops through it with its arms raised triumphantly. Autumn excitedly turns to look. Alien: Rejoice, earth creature! Everything you know is about to change! Autumn: Oh wow, a visitor from worlds beyond! Are you here to radically reshape society as we know it? p3: The alien pulls out a phone and looks down at Autumn. Alien: Better! I’m here to offer earthlings the chance to nurture your careers and develop new professional connections! Just upload your resume to our network and you can share key business insights with space professionals in your field! p4: Autumn wakes up, visibly irritated at this annoying dream.](
![p1: Autumn and Summer are sitting in their living room in their pajamas. Autumn has her own chair, while Summer is on the couch. Autumn: God I do not wanna go in today. Harvey’s got me writing posts about “the joy of data visualization” and-- Summer: Hold on, remind me. Harvey’s the guy with the crown, right? p2: A: No, you’re thinking of the King of Sales. S: Uh… huh. What’s his deal again? p3: Autumn is sitting at her work desk looking irritated. The King of Sales, standing behind her, drones on. King of Sales: And I don’t have a problem with women, obviously, but I’m just saying, come on, would it kill ‘em to make another movie about a superhero who’s a guy for once? Y’know, lack of strong male role models is why so many men are getting liberal arts degrees. p4: Back in the living room, Autumn clenches a fist. A: He is my enemy. S: Neat](
![p1: Summer and Autumn are walking beneath a tree limb on a woodsy path in front of some houses. Autumn: Every time we go under that branch I wanna jump up and see if I can touch it. Summer: Mhm. I bet you could if you… double jumped p2: Autumn clenches their teeth while Summer starts arguing. A: Wh-- oh my god are we seriously on this again?! Double jumps aren’t real! S: Double jumps are so real! Just admit you’re wrong! p3: Summer points at Autumn and doubles down. S: I know you remember Derek from psych class-- He double jumped out the window at the end of every lecture! You thought it was hilarious! p4: Autumn shouts back, waving their arms. A: That was a homing attack! Single jump followed by a forward spin-- it’s a totally different move and you know it! You know it, Summer! p5: They continue walking past the tree, each looking annoyed with the other. S: Let me ask you something. When did you lose your sense of wonder? A: Somewhere between hearing my alarm and opening my eyes](
![p1: Summer and Autumn are walking towards their office building, which has no doors. Jeanie is visible at her desk. Autumn: Nah I don’t really think I have the sword skills to- hey uh. Where’d the doors go p2: They walk up to a smiling Jeanie. Summer: Morning, Jeanie. Doing some redecorating? Jeanie: Good morning! Don’t worry, the door thing is temporary p3: J: Basically, the building owner was having new ones put in, but she got in a fight with the crew about just how much acid the glass could withstand so they came in over the weekend and took ‘em all out. She says that this is just how negotiations go and if we all act like we’re too good for doors anyways we’ll get the upper hand p4: S: And then, what, they’ll give us new doors? J: Oh probably not. But the owner will get to feel superior and that’s her main goal. A: hey so i have questions re: the acid thing](
![p1: Autumn is sitting on a stool in the break room while Vee stands at the counter making tea. Autumn: …and now he says I have to “write the blog within.” What does that even mean? Vee: Mm. I can see how that’d be frustrating p2: Autumn turns to look at Vee. A: Y’know, I was wondering - you’ve been dealing with this place longer than I have. How do you stay so relaxed? V: Oh, that’s simple. p3: V: When I come into the office, the part of my brain that has thoughts and opinions about what’s happening around me gets turned off. I just let the day wash over me until I leave, at which point I become capable of caring about stuff again. p4: Autumn looks unnerved. A: Is that… healthy? V: Hey, don’t knock it til you try it. Or do. I’ll decide if I care later](
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