“Human beings are works in progress that mistakenly think they’re finished.” ~ Dan Gilbert O’r dechrau’n deg, mae gerddi’n waith sy’n datblygu’n gyson wrth fynd ymlaen. Dydy Gardd Gobaith yng Nghilgerran yng ngogledd Sir Benfro ddim yn wahanol. Pan ddechreuson ni ym mis Mehefin, y syniad cyffredinol oedd cael rhyw fath o weithredu cymunedol ar yr hinsawdd o gwmpas gardd goedwig bywyd gwyllt. Nawr mae’r syniad yn datblygu, mewn ffyrdd diddorol ac annisgwyl, fel ystafell ddosbarth, llyfrgell a lle gweithdy. Yn bennaf fe fydd yn ystafell ddosbarth awyr agored i ymgysylltu â’r genhedlaeth nesaf o ddinasyddion sy’n meddwl yn ecolegol yn wyneb yr argyfwng natur, gydag ardal dan gynfas yng nghanol cynefin bywyd gwyllt. Nôl ym mis Medi cafodd disgyblion cynradd weithdy ID bywyd gwyllt ar y safle. Roedd yn llwyddiant diamheuol gan roi cychwyn ar y prosiect ID Natur Glaswelltir gan Glaswelltir Ceredigion Grassland, mewn hanner dwsin o ysgolion cynradd yng Ngheredigion. Bydd Gardd Gobaith hefyd yn gartref i lyfrgell o blanhigion bythol i hyrwyddo ymwybyddiaeth ac arferion cnydau gwydn. Eisoes mae yna gasgliad helaeth yn crynhoi, i gael eu plannu fel rhan o weithdy gwanwyn. Bydd labeli clir ar y planhigion, yn amrywio o goed cnau i lwyni ffrwythau a llysiau bythol, a chaiff y rhandirwyr eu hannog i’w lluosi ymhellach. Defnydd arall yn deillio o drafodaethau am economiau tir cynaliadwy yw lle gweithdy. Garden Wild Plants, sef y CCBC y tu cefn i gais Gardd Gobaith am arian, redeg gweithdai coedwig, a gallai’r partneriaid BlueGreenCymru ei ddefnyddio fel lleoliad ar gyfer eu gweithdai natur awyr agored. Wrth i’r gwaith dylunio a thirweddu ddechrau dod ynghyd, bydd digon o siawns i gyfleoedd eraill ddod yn amlwg. Diolch yn fawr iawn i bawb sydd wedi cymryd rhan yng Ngardd Gobaith hyd yma. | “Human beings are works in progress that mistakenly think they’re finished.” ~ Dan Gilbert From the very beginning, gardens are continual works in progress. The Hope Garden in Cilgerran, north Pembrokeshire, is no exception. When we started in June, the general idea was for some form of community climate action around a wildlife forest garden. Now, the idea is taking shape, in interesting and unexpected ways, as a classroom, library and workshop space. Foremost, it will be an outdoor classroom to engage the next generation of ecologically minded citizens in the face of the nature emergency, with a canvas covered area, in the midst of wildlife habitat. Back in September, primary school pupils had a wildlife ID workshop on the site. It was an unmitigated success, spawning the Glaswelltir Ceredigion Grassland‘s Grassland Nature ID project, across half a dozen primary schools in Ceredigion. The Hope Garden will also be home to a library of edible perennials to promote the awareness and practise of resilient crops. Already, there is a large collection amassing, to be planted as part of a spring workshop. The plants, ranging from nut trees, to fruit bushes and perennial vegetables, will all be labelled clearly, and allotmenteers will be encouraged to propagate them further afield. Another use arising from discussions about sustainable land-based economies is as a workshop space. Garden Wild Plants, the CIC behind the Hope Garden funding application, could run forest gardening workshops, whilst partners BlueGreenCymru could use it as a venue for their outdoor nature workshops. As the design and landscaping work starts to pull together, there will be plenty of scope for other opportunities to become apparent. A huge thank you to everyone who has taken part in the Hope Garden so far. |