TopMod, Blender, and Curved Handles
The first ever post on my blog that isn't about audio or music has gone up. It concerns my new obsessive hobby for the past two months, 3D renders of mathematical art. Specifically, it's a review of an old research 3D modeling program called TopMod, a discussion of how to emulate its features in Blender, and an announcement of a new experimental Blender addon for constructing curved handles:
TopMod, Blender, and Curved Handles | Nathan Ho
Iâve been working on a big project using Blender. More on that in a future post, but hereâs a preview. The project has gotten me into a 3D art headspace, and I took a detour recently from this major p
I've put up a page to collect some renders and animations of mathematical objects I've been making:
Polytwisters | Nathan Ho
Polytwisters are a class of strange curved four-dimensional shapes related to uniform polyhedra and Hopf fibration. They were discovered by Jonathan Bowers circa 2007, who found 222 of these shapes pl
Music-making is still ongoing on YouTube. I made some non-SC music that I'm hoping to finish and release eventually. I also recently uploaded this 40-minute SuperCollider ambient session:

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