The Search for the Perfect Pitch Tracker
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For those who haven't heard from me in a while, my current project has been building a free and open source singing synthesizer called OddVoices. It has an online interface that you can use at this link: All you need is a MIDI file and some lyrics, and the synth will sing it for you (or try to).
I've been using the blog as a dev log for OddVoices lately, and the newest post is up. It's a technical dive into pitch tracking algorithms and vocal pitch phenomena:
OddVoices Dev Log 3: Pitch Contours | Nathan Ho
This is part of an ongoing series of posts about OddVoices, a singing synthesizer Iâve been building. OddVoices has a Web version, which you can now access at the newly registered domain
As a bonus, I recently uploaded a recording of a new generative SuperCollider patch: