Opinionated Advice for SuperCollider Beginners
My output as a “New Media Art-Tech Content Creator” [VOMITING NOISES] might be a bit slow for the next month, as I’m in the weeds of the most ambitious musical project I’ve ever made in SC.
Today I took a little break from that to respond to a YouTube comment asking about the best resources for learning SuperCollider. My answer turned into an entire blog post:
Opinionated Advice for SuperCollider Beginners | Nathan Ho
I’m often asked where to find the best resources for learning SuperCollider. My informed and professional answer, which comes from over a decade of experience with this software as a user, developer,
My modest goal this year is to release at least one substantial blog post per month. Three for three so far!
I’ve also updated my old SuperCollider Tips post with a few new, uh, SuperCollider tips:
SuperCollider Tips | Nathan Ho
Miscellaneous tips on using SuperCollider.
On scsynth.org I’ve posted a PSA discussing a common gotcha concerning the Synth class and other OSC communication:
Why you should always wrap Synth(…) and Synth:set in Server.default.bind { … } - Learning - scsynth
This is a PSA about a SuperCollider gotcha that is sadly ignored in most SC tutorials (or at least ones I’ve seen), but it’s critical for anyone not using Patterns. Example 1 ( var s; s = Server.default; Routine({ SynthDef(\ping, { Out.ar(\out.kr(0), (SinOsc.ar(440) * -5.dbamp * Env.perc(0.001, 0.1).ar(Done.freeSelf)) ! 2) }).add; s.sync; loop { Synth(\ping); 0.05.wait; }; }).play; ) ( var s; s = Server.default; Routine({ SynthDef(\ping, { Out.ar(\out.kr(0), (SinOsc.ar(440) * -5.dbam…
On YouTube I’ve uploaded a tutorial on synthesizing kicks and snares, which is much gentler in pacing than the “session” videos I’ve uploaded in the past:
Also, here’s a less-than-serious Mark Fell imitation I made a while ago:
Thanks as always for subscribing, reading, listening, etc.