New EP as Interstate Hydra (+ new blog post)
Today’s big news is an EP release. I made this EP exactly three years ago under the alias Interstate Hydra, but only shared it with a few people up until now:
It was made entirely in Audacity (OK, a tiny bit of SuperCollider for bass drones), and it’s some of my favorite music I’ve made. These tunes were where I developed the “sound dumpling” concept I wrote about a few blog posts ago.
Speaking of blog posts, a new one is up. It’s an exploration of an obscure audio analysis/synthesis algorithm developed by computer music pioneer Clarence Barlow, with a now-unfortunate acronym:
A Closer Look at Clarence Barlow’s ISIS | Nathan Ho
In 2005, Clarence Barlow published a paper on Intra-Samplar Interpolating Sinusoids (ISIS), an audio analysis-synthesis algorithm. It did not make much of a splash, with the paper having only 7 citati
It’s a relatively low-effort blog post, as the technique is itself not that complicated or deep, but there are sounds and SC code.
Finally, my YouTube channel remains active, with this microtonal experiment in bowed string synthesis that, in hindsight, has a little too much high end:

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