Composing with Accelerating Rhythms
Massive thanks to all who listened to Haywire Frontier. I gave a talk on rhythmic structures in the album yesterday for the NOTAM SuperCollider users group, and this month's post adapts and expands the contents of the talk:
Composing with Accelerating Rhythms | Nathan Ho
Thanks to all who checked out my album Haywire Frontier. Yesterday, I gave a remote talk for the NOTAM SuperCollider meetup on the project. The talk wasnât recorded, but I decided to rework it into pr
Although peppered with SuperCollider code and references to the album, it should be readable for both non-SC users and non-album-listeners. For those in the latter category:
I have some small DSP and audio synthesis goodies lined up for the last three remaining blog posts of 2023. They will be less ambitious than 8,000-word wavelet transform explainers, but I promise they'll be as Nathan Ho-y as usual. Thanks for reading.
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