Hi-Q Sill Buss wk41.22
what is this? some poems I like and maybe some inspiration for your writing fuel
write about what this image triggers, or: is something missing?
Now for some poems I like
A twilight of grackles—
the old gate swings
in the autumn wind
against the currents black crow wind
A Future Game by Jeffrey Wells-Powers:
I am pleased to announce
Some of the things
That won’t concern me
For the next couple of years:
from Poems 1962-2012 by Louise Glück 📚
Poem? Sonic Verbs (68) by Marc Weidenbaum
babble, bawl, bay, blow, bombinate, burble, burr, buzz, cantillate, cheep, chirr, chirrup, churr, clang, coo, crackle, croon, drone, echo, echolocate, fissle, gasp, groan, gurgle, harmonize, hiss, howl, hum, intone, keen, mewl, moan, mumble, murmur, mutter, nasalize, oscillate, psithurate, purr, resound, ring, roar, rumble, rustle, scream, screech, shout, shriek, sibilate, sigh, sign, snore, sough, squall, squeal, susurrate, swish, thrum, thwack, trill, vibrate, wail, whimper, whine, whir, whisper, yell, yelp
haiku by Ann K. Schwader in The Heron’s Nest:
in this uncertain world dandelions
haiku by Bob Lucky:
summer blues
wisteria high in the branches
of a dying tree
Multimedia: DOWN LAND by Danny Hammond: