Hi-Q: what we work with
July 21, 2019
we work with what we are given not what we plan for
Hi-Q: footprints on the moon
July 20, 2019
footprints on the moon monument to dreamers photo by NASA
Hi-Q: of/from stars
July 19, 2019
of and from the stars to which we dream to return photo from NASA
Hi-Q: cold beer
July 18, 2019
cold beer also sweats in the heat
Hi-Q: magnolia's reflection
July 17, 2019
magnolia's reflection in the puddle--naked but for moonlight a poem I enjoyed: They Sit Together on the Porch by Wendell Berry
Hi-Q: summer sun heat rays
July 16, 2019
seeking shade and concrete cocoons summer sun heat rays
Hi-Q: papery wrapper
July 15, 2019
papery wrapper map to a life lived
Hi-Q: ominous
July 14, 2019
ominous like crows clouds gather
Hi-Q: sun kissed
July 13, 2019
sun kissed waves rolling over one another
Hi-Q: buddha in the garden
July 12, 2019
buddha in the garden heady buzz of the now
Hi-Q: snowflake blooms
July 11, 2019
snowflake blooms dip in the humid breeze
Hi-Q: what would trees see?
July 10, 2019
what would trees see if they had eyes?
Hi-Q: train's song
July 9, 2019
longing for train’s song uninterrupted by green leaves
Hi-Q: cardinal swoop variations
July 8, 2019
watercolor sunset streaks the sky cardinal’s swoop I couldn’t decide on a closing line so here are two variations: watercolor sunset streaks the sky cardinal...
Hi-Q: drone machine
July 7, 2019
scaffolding of comfort against the heat drone machine
Hi-Q: days past
July 6, 2019
days past echo like belated fireworks
Hi-Q: leftover smoke
July 5, 2019
morning fog like leftover smoke from night's flames
Hi-Q: floral fireworks
July 4, 2019
explosions of color / nectar / smell floral fireworks
Hi-Q: rising embers
July 3, 2019
rising embers in the still twilight fireflies
Hi-Q: another scrap
July 2, 2019
another scrap discarded to melt like the world
Hi-Q: radio up
July 1, 2019
window down radio up mystic mountain evening
Hi-Q: blooming bush
June 30, 2019
blooming bush amongst the verdant diamond in the roughage
Hi-Q: blooming bush
June 30, 2019
blooming bush amongst the verdant diamond in the roughage
Hi-Q: old paint
June 29, 2019
worn like old paint in summer’s heat
Hi-Q: salmon skin
June 28, 2019
sizzle of salmon skin on the grill southern magnolia
Hi-Q: nocturnal pulse
June 27, 2019
symphony of summer night nocturnal pulse I love walking outside on a summer night to be blanketed by warmth and the sounds of night animals/insects/critters...
Hi-Q: branches bare
June 26, 2019
branches bare to summer’s heat a life complete Somewhere there is a rule that haiku shouldn’t rhyme. I broke it. It is one rule I return to breaking from...
Hi-Q: guard rail gutterball
June 25, 2019
guard rail gutterball stay between / color outside the lines
Hi-Q: forest in miniature
June 24, 2019
forest in miniature morning sun on the canopy
Hi-Q: vibration + sound
June 23, 2019
vibration + sound open string cosmic drone wood + wire
Hi-Q: approximated palm fronds
June 22, 2019
approximated palm fronds tropical memories cast in iron
Hi-Q: upper atmosphere
June 21, 2019
upper atmosphere cotton candy promise of rain
Hi-Q: wax paper leaves
June 20, 2019
wax paper leaves fresh rinse of summer storm
Hi-Q: banana leaf
June 19, 2019
ripened and plucked banana leaf
Hi-Q: mixed media
June 18, 2019
debris in the vanishing point mixed media
Hi-Q: what rhythms
June 17, 2019
what rhythms dance within your leaves?
Hi-Q: sky sea
June 16, 2019
green rafts afloat on the sky sea
Hi-Q: celestial stone
June 15, 2019
celestial stone between the tides of wired lightning Here's a look at how this haiku evolved: it started with the line between the wires the next line/image...
Hi-Q: +/vs.
June 14, 2019
&plus not vs. or together is better than against
Hi-Q: captured clouds
June 13, 2019
relic of textile's past captured clouds
Hi-Q: fallen
June 12, 2019
f a l l e n lying silent in memoriam
Hi-Q: tree in miniature
June 11, 2019
tree in miniature washed out beneath gravel moon
Hi-Q: water droplets
June 10, 2019
water droplets like ripe tomatoes hanging on a cage
Hi-Q: June shower
June 9, 2019
June shower the sun is washed from the sky
Hi-Q: hidden landscapes
June 8, 2019
hidden landscapes unveiling shadows in search of light
Hi-Q: grass yellowed
June 7, 2019
grass yellowed much needed summer r a i n
Hi-Q: nature/nurture
June 6, 2019
nature? nurture? yes , and...
Hi-Q: drops of nature
June 5, 2019
drops of nature on a green sea of artificiality
Hi-Q: darkened leaves
June 4, 2019
darkened leaves an oil relief dusk
Hi-Q: firefly
June 3, 2019
blink on/off firefly
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