I did not have much time this month, so I exhumed an old unfinished project and updated it slightly. It's a simple arcade game where you have 1 minute to collect as many diamonds as possible, which you then feed into your train to see more of the world.
There's some (not particularly compelling) generative music with a tempo that increases over the course of the minute, but I think this is a case where the visuals are the key attraction. The rest of the game doesn't really live up to their promise.
(the visuals are also why I abandoned the project, because the art pipeline was a nightmare of hand-inking 2 copies of the same image, scanning them, then creating an outline image and manually creating a fill image so the half-tone shader could do its job. It looks great, but it was way too involved)
Controls: escape: quit; cursor keys/gamepad left stick: move; space/z/gamepad A button: dash
A beautiful short story by Kit Bashir over on mastodon.
"This can still happen anywhere. Not everything is lost."
Trans World Express: A wiki set up to help US trans folk emigrate to somewhere safer.
Very excited to see Jeff Minter's take on I, Robot.
A fun long read about a font designed for mechanical engraving.
A beautiful Poetry Unbound episode about Robert Hayden's Those Winter Sundays.
I've not had a chance to use it myself yet, but this tweening animation tool looks fascinating (via v buckenham)
"We give our hearts to people and places that do not deserve them. We should stop, because there are people and places that do deserve them. And we should fill each other’s homes with drawings of oranges."
The people who lived here before me clearly put a lot of thought and care into the garden, because every year in February there's a day when I look out the window and am startled by sudden splashes of colour from the crocuses. It's like they suddenly just appear, the world having made up its mind that winter is over and it's time for colour and light again. Sending you all the colour and light I can muster from this corner of Fife.