I moved house last week, so here and then gone is very much still on hiatus. Here’s some links though:
A tale of death and grief and a terrifying black dog by G.V. Anderson.
Emily VanDerWerff wrote a long piece about Isabel Fall’s Helicopter Story and the horrifying fallout after it was published. CW: dysphoria, transphobia, trauma
An excellent essay by Rebecca Solnit arguing for the abolition of high schools. American high schools aren’t exactly like Scottish secondary schools, but there’s a lot I recognise here. And yeah, the more I teach the more it becomes apparent just how many harmful attitudes and practices are built into the very structure of our education system.
Reading Lynn Segal’s Radical Happiness, this quote from Adrienne Rich jumped out at me:
“Wherever I turn these days, I’m looking, as from the corner of my eye, for a certain kind of poetry whose balance of dread and beauty is equal to the chaotic negations that pursue us. Amid profiteering language, commoditizing of intimate emotions, and public misery, I want poems that embody … another principle. A complex, dialogic, coherent poetry to dissolve both complacency and despair.”
Shola von Reinhold’s LOTE is incredible.
Nifflas’ Ynglet is the most beautiful game I’ve played in a while. I wish I had access to his custom line drawing tech.
Look at this incredible planisphere map from 1587(!).
How Inuit Parents Teach Kids To Control Their Anger
An article by Peter Gray explaining how the modern distinction between work and play makes no sense in hunter-gatherer societies.
everest pipkin wrote a beautiful piece about roblox and inhabiting the strange temporary spaces capitalism continually creates, discards, and ultimately destroys.
That’s it for me this month. I hope you’re keeping well. I hope all the people you care about are keeping well. See you soon.