👋 New Posts, New Baby, and The Recurse Center
Since my last newsletter, I’ve written two blog posts about programming language interpreters – Adding For Loops to an Interpreter and Profiling and Optimizing an Interpreter.
Our second baby has also arrived! He’s chunky, and happy. During my ~4.5 month parental leave from Vercel, I’m attending The Recurse Center (aka “RC”) for a six week batch.
RC runs programming retreats (usually in NY but currently remote due to COVID-19) where the aim is to get dramatically better as a programmer. It’s a warm friendly place, filled with curious and wonderful people. The work I’m doing is self-directed, I’m picking things that are interesting and challenging, and I’m trying not to be too career-focused (e.g. I’ve been working on programming languages, compilers, game solvers, and little toys). I code when our youngest is sleeping and our two year old is with his nanny, or in the evening when they’re both asleep for the night (just kidding they both wake up constantly).
I have one coffee chat per day with another recurser, and I try to pair program every other day or so. I’m busy and happy.
I’ll write a longer post about my experience at RC at some point. For now, my review is that it’s exactly as I expected it to be: unique, special, and spellbinding.
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