🙌 An Ode to Personal Websites
I broadcast widely that personal websites are a bit of an obsession of mine, so it should be no surprise that last night I published Personal Websites and Internet Writing!
It's an article about the people that inspire me the most (and that I steal from most regularly).
It was scary to put it out there as I was commenting on the work of people that I respect. However, it was well received and I'm happy that my wife pushed me to post it!
Some of my favorite personal websites that I didn't write about but I love just as much:
I'm considering writing a public "2020 Review". It would be nice to reflect on this strange year and the little projects that came to fruition and those that didn't. It's good when people "Fail in Public" to normalize struggling and the difficulty of producing software/products/content. I'd like to contribute to that.
I like Justin Duke's Years in review as a model to follow. Tania Rascia has some good ones too.
WebAssembly Powered Search
My friend recently launched version 1.0.0 of his search solution for Jamstack websites ("Impossibly fast web search, made for static sites.")
Stork is a cool solution that I'm experimenting with at the moment. The documentation and codebase are in fantastic shape for an open source project as well.
VS Code in the Cloud
One more thing I'm looking into is running VS Code on a virtual private server (e.g. a Droplet on DigitalOcean) so that I can jump between machines easier. I've only heard good things about it via Twitter. I'll try and report back on how easy it is to setup and any problems I run into :)
Check it out at cdr/code-server ("Run VS Code on any machine anywhere and access it in the browser."). Here's a Twitter thread which shows how it looks live.
Have a happy New Year too ✨