Sharing one’s time, as well as resources, to give the children of Happy Life a better life has been proven to be a priceless blessing to both the children and the partners who are able to visit. In partnering with us to support them, age is just a number! If ever you thought you’re too young or too old to serve others, then Betsy should be your inspiration today!
Betsy, currently 87, learned about Happy Life Mission about ten years ago and has since chosen to be part of the Lord’s work there.
One of the ways to partner with our mission is by sponsoring a child. Betsy sponsors 5 children, who she dearly loves.
She has made several visits to Happy Life over the last few years. She delights in spending time with the children and her passion for them is contagious. Betsy is a tremendous inspiration to many, as she serves the mission. The children and staff love her and look forward to her visits!
During her most recent visit in March, she brought the caregivers some beautiful handmade aprons, which made them so happy!
From Betsy to Steven:
The Lord is also using the talents of young people to serve at Happy Life. Steven, a student from Delaware, visited Happy Life Mission, in March, with his school, Wilmington Christian School. He used his skills to produce a video highlighting how the experience impacted their group.
Visiting Happy Life Mission is often a life changing experience for many of the volunteers. One young lady, who visited the mission twice, was impacted greatly by her time there. She felt the Lord calling her to pursue further mission service. She is now serving the Lord as a missionary to Armenia. Her Happy Life experience opened her eyes to the immense global need for workers in God’s kingdom. She wrote a song to express the joy she felt as she served the children and how they captured her heart! Enjoy her music.
- Ken, who has been in hospital for two weeks has been discharged
- we are grateful for the school in Maryland that gave sets of uniforms
- musical instruments given by partners in the US.
- for the safe shipping of the uniforms, musical instruments and computers.
- For provision of funds for more musical equipment and computers
- For the growth of the Education Fund that will enable us to support the needy students in our high school ($1,200 per student per year), and provide vocational training to more youth in and outside of Happy Life ($150 for a five-month course per student).