FEB 2025 - Go-Man Cover and LGBTQIA+ Animation Talk!
Hi everyone and welcome to my first ever newsletter! I’m still figuring out exactly how I want these to be formatted but I’ll start with the headlines!
Kingston University Talk - Tickets still available
GO-MAN: Champion of Earth Cover Reveal
Life catchup
On Wednesday 19th February, I will be doing a talk at my old university Kingston to talk all things LGBTQIA+ Animation - the past, present, future and my career.
Tickets are still available and anybody can go - you do not need to be a student at the school.
Tickets can be purchased here! Let me know if you’re coming!

Alright, here’s the real reason you’re here! This cover reveal is exclusive to newsletter subscribers for the time being - I will be doing the full public unveiling on my social media on Friday!
The cover depicts Tobi at the front and his alter-ego Go-Man, along with his friends - Grace on the left and Okidoki on the right. In the background you can also see Robug Red battling the kaiju Sasushi along with a mysterious flying saucer in the sky…
This cover is a tribute to basically all the things I love - the Pokémon Adventures manga, Super Sentai and of course Dragon Ball! It looks even better in person too!
The book is set to release this summer and is the start of something very special! I will let you all know asap when launch events and signings are taking place.
I’ve had a pretty tough January - but who hasn’t? All my big animation projects have been very delayed but I really think 2025 will be the year something finally gets over the greenlight line. Obviously, all that stuff is strictly locked behind NDAs until I can announce them. But I can say I am currently working on a couple of films, a couple of shows and a couple of video games! Let’s just hope one of them sees the light of day!
The final bit of news is that I am aware that my first book, Pantheon: The True Story of the Egyptian Deities is currently out of print! But I am working on getting a new home for that book because I’m still very proud of it and keen to continue that series somewhere.
That’s all from me then! Hope this was informative and not too long. If I don’t have any news before March, I’ll see you for that month’s newsletter!