A technical snafu hampered getting this issue out on Friday - enjoy and we'll see you again this Friday!
Learn how to build a sign-up form with dynamic form validation, password strength validation and secure password storage using the Next.js App Router
Everyone knows your location: tracking myself down through in-app ads //timsh.org comments→
We are destroying software //antirez.com comments→
Software development topics I've changed my mind on //chriskiehl.com comments→
Chat is a bad UI pattern for development tools //danieldelaney.net comments→
The FAA’s Hiring Scandal //tracingwoodgrains.com comments→
Macrodata Refinement //lumon-industries.com comments→
Paper Apps //gladdendesign.com comments→
Obscure islands I find interesting //amanvir.com comments→
Minimum effective dose //winnielim.org comments→
Why Blog If Nobody Reads It? //andysblog.uk comments→
Build a link blog like Simon Willison //xuanwo.io comments→
Implementing a Game Boy emulator in Ruby //sacckey.dev comments→
#Ask HN
What is interviewing like now with everyone using AI?
Do you know travel blogs that have animated SVG maps of their travels?
#Show HN
WikiTok //wikitok.vercel.app comments→
Httptap: View HTTP/HTTPS requests made by any Linux program //github.com comments→
I convert videos to printed flipbooks for living //videotoflip.com comments→
Hotline for modern Apple systems //github.com comments→
ESP32 RC Cars //github.com comments→
A website that heatmaps your city based on your housing preferences //theretowhere.com comments→
ExpenseOwl – Simple, self-hosted expense tracker //github.com comments→
VSCode’s SSH agent is bananas //fly.io comments→
Developer Philosophy //qntm.org comments→
Hydro: Distributed Programming Framework for Rust //hydro.run comments→
Analyzing the codebase of Caffeine, a high performance caching library //adriacabeza.github.io comments→
Transductive regular expressions for text editing //github.com comments→
Marksmith – a GitHub-style Markdown editor for Ruby on Rails //avohq.io comments→
Gemini 2.0 is now available to everyone //blog.google comments→
Announcing the data.gov archive //lil.law.harvard.edu comments→
GarminDB //github.com comments→
SQLite disk page explorer //github.com comments→
Stop using zip codes for geospatial analysis //carto.com comments→
Build your own SQLite, Part 4: reading tables metadata //blog.sylver.dev comments→
Jacksonpollock.org //jacksonpollock.org comments→
Mitochondria as you've never seen them //nature.com comments→
Frank Lloyd Wright's mile high skyscraper proposal //onverticality.com comments→
Beej's Guide to Git //beej.us comments→
Visualizing all books of the world in ISBN-Space //phiresky.github.io comments→
RLHF Book //rlhfbook.com comments→
Life is more than an engineering problem //lareviewofbooks.org comments→
100 Or so Books that shaped a Century of Science //web.mnstate.edu comments→
Humble Book Bundle Game Programming by Pearson //humblebundle.com comments→
Ask HN: Who is hiring? //news.ycombinator.com
Ask HN: Who wants to be hired? //news.ycombinator.com
Ask HN: Who wants to be fired? //news.ycombinator.com
The impact of AI on the technical interview process //coderev.app comments→
Ask HN: Freelancer? Seeking freelancer? //news.ycombinator.com
The art of engineering team focus: less is more //resources.github.com comments→
Tips for mathematical handwriting //johnkerl.org comments→
Generating Voronoi diagrams using Fortune's algorithm //redpenguin101.github.io comments→
London Street Views //davidrumsey.com comments→
Play with real quantum physics in your browser //quantum.orgsoft.org comments→
Radiation belts detected around Earth after solar storm //sciencealert.com comments→
Why is Warner Bros. Discovery putting old movies on YouTube? //tedium.co comments→
Andrej Karpathy: Deep Dive into LLMs Like ChatGPT //youtube.com comments→
Donald Knuth's 2024 Christmas Lecture: Strong and Weak Components //youtube.com comments→
You are asking the wrong question; 3D print business advice //youtube.com comments→
This 1970s tank simulator drives through a tiny world //youtube.com comments→
#Startup News
Meta torrented & seeded 81.7 TB dataset containing copyrighted data //arstechnica.com comments→
Fair Pricing //kagi.com comments→
U.K. orders Apple to let it spy on users’ encrypted accounts //washingtonpost.com comments→
Servo's progress in 2024 //servo.org comments→
Okta Bcrypt incident lessons for designing better APIs //n0rdy.foo comments→
Vanguard's average fee is now 0.07% after biggest-ever cut //bloomberg.com comments→
Simulating water over terrain //lisyarus.github.io comments→
Linux Running in a PDF //linux.doompdf.dev comments→
The Deck: An open-source cross-platform multiplayer card game engine in Flutter //github.com comments→
RetroFab: Playable 3D simulations of vintage electronic games //itizso.itch.io comments→
A colorful Game of Life //colorlife.quick.jaredforsyth.com comments→
Matle – A Daily Chess Puzzle Inspired by Wordle //matle.io comments→