
Twitter avatar for @0xdea
raptor @0xdea


Twitter avatar for @RoryCormac
Rory Cormac @RoryCormac
The @CIA in-house journal described HOW TO STAGE A COUP as “valuable” “thought-provoking” and “the most thorough treatment” of covert action to date!


Twitter avatar for @R_Scrivens
Ryan Scrivens @R_Scrivens
Looking for a Sunday read?

Tiana Gaudette, @galwaygrrl, @cybercrimeprof, and I highlight key gaps in the empirical literature on right-wing extremists’ use of the Internet and offer suggestions for progressing research - all on the @VOX_Pol Blog.


Twitter avatar for @0xdea
raptor @0xdea
This is another old (7+ years) P0 post that I had missed. This time it’s an amazing xdev writeup by @_tsuro:

Finding and exploiting ntpd vulnerabilities


Twitter avatar for @Byron_Wan
Byron Wan @Byron_Wan


Twitter avatar for @muaddibstyle
Muad’Dib time. @muaddibstyle
Giving nerds a pause button was a mistake. https://t.co/m2mUQHgbW7
Twitter avatar for @CouncilofRings
Council of the Rings @CouncilofRings
The Rings of Power is a MASTERPIECE! 💀🤡🤡 sure… https://t.co/1zcEbrauom


Twitter avatar for @DrTechlash
Nirit Weiss-Blatt, PhD @DrTechlash
CONTEXT: Granovetter's "The Strength of Weak Ties" is a seminal social science paper - cited 66,923 times (!)

Weak ties have long been proven to contribute to occupational mobility (& higher wages/employment rates).

Having LinkedIn prove that on a larger scale is a good thing.

Twitter avatar for @Techmeme
Techmeme @Techmeme
Study: LinkedIn ran an experiment on 20M users from 2015 to 2019, randomly varying the strength of its People You May Know algorithm, without telling the users (@natashanyt / New York Times)

https://t.co/JRB9smxLJC https://t.co/y3tmIPT1ri


Twitter avatar for @Cary_Elwes
Cary Elwes @Cary_Elwes
35 years ago, a little film I made called The Princess Bride was released in theaters. #asyouwish #princessbride ⚔️❤️


Twitter avatar for @ChrisO_wiki
ChrisO @ChrisO_wiki
From @mironov_fm & @itskhoki:

Brief conclusions:

  1. Over the next 6 months an attempt will be made to mobilise between 700,000 and 1 million people. /2


Twitter avatar for @BA_Friedman
B. A. Friedman @BA_Friedman
This Russian mobilization is a pretty clear attempt to use mass to stem the metaphorical bleeding on the battlefield through mass, but this is very unlikely to work. A (short) thread on mass:


Clever information operation. Shaping the information space to cause a change in behaviour.

Twitter avatar for @igorsushko
Igor Sushko @igorsushko
#Ukraine has established a coordination agency "Want to Live" for forcibly mobilized Russian citizens. Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram, Signal available.


Twitter avatar for @Foone
foone @Foone
Someday aliens are going to land their saucers in a field somewhere in New Jersey and everything is going to go just fine right up until we try to explain our calendar to them


Twitter avatar for @tomatospy
Tom Uren @tomatospy
Twitter avatar for @JohnHultquist
John Hultquist🌻 @JohnHultquist
We’ve further linked hacktivist leaks and GRU intrusions. I am concerned that they have established deniable personas they will use for mischief (like elections) and I’m concerned we are not taking hacktivists seriously when some are serious players. (1/2) https://t.co/Yzgzy1OgmM


Twitter avatar for @Andrew__Roth
Andrew Roth @Andrew__Roth
Video of a Russian man opening fire and killing the military commandant in a draft centre in the city of Úst-Ilimsk in Irkutsk region. The military commandant was the head of the local draft committee. He has died, according to reports.
Twitter avatar for @MarQs__
marqs @MarQs__
@ArchFella "Comrade showed good shooting skills and will be sent to the front"


Twitter avatar for @mrkoot
Matthijs R. Koot @mrkoot

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