
Twitter avatar for @sf_boswell
Suzanne F. Boswell @sf_boswell
Something that blows my mind is how RECENTLY knitting was invented.

Knitting is probably 1000 years old. Weaving, by contrast, dates back to the neolithic era. 🧵

blue and white patterned sock, from Egypt. Fashioned between 1000-1300 AD. Worn at the hell and toe, but shows extreme craftmanship.


Twitter avatar for @CSMFHT
Classical Studies Memes for Hellenistic Teens @CSMFHT
opens bathroom door "Caw caw mother fucker!"


Twitter avatar for @jamesecook
James Cook @jamesecook
I saw a homeless guy and I felt bad for him.

So I did what I think any of us would do - drove to a nearby affluent area, found the biggest, nicest house and put a tenner through their letter box.

You mark my words, before long that money will trickle down to the homeless guy.

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