September 15, 2022
We caught up with @k8em0 to talk about her tireless work to close the gender pay gap, and to create a more humane working culture in infosec and beyond.
90 Minuten Telefonat mit #Putin: Russland muss seine Truppen aus der #Ukraine zurückziehen und die Souveränität und territoriale Integrität anerkennen. Anders ist eine diplomatische Lösung nicht vorstellbar.
Summary of an article on HUMINT in the modern age. A lot of focus is on sending case officers into places and maintaining cover, but really HUMINT is about recruitment and running agents. The fantasy of elite undercover agents who shapeshift into new identities all the time is not accurate for the vast majority of intelligence work.
If you weren't paying attention to Ukraine over the last week.. you should. Aside from a stunning collapse of the Russian military (which has been rotting for decades, apparently), it is managing to show both the limits of disinformation and the power of the information war. 1/8
Insane story. Police used DNA collected from a woman’s rape kit to arrest her for shoplifting. The DA dropped the case and California is passing laws prohibiting the used of DNA collected like this.
I wrote a piece this week on Iran's involvement in two cyber campaigns: with Albania over the summer & with Israel over the past year. Both significant in their own way: Albania is a NATO ally and the Iran-Israel cyber activity is now intense & prolonged.
Interesting paper. They’re getting AI to self modify, sorta. So that’s great.
Advanced artificial agents intervene in the provision of reward
German chancellor Scholz now has a huge red telephone on his desk, which is the newest generation secure telephone made by @secunet_AG.
It's capable of encrypting voice and video conversations at different levels up to Secret:…
Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz @Bundeskanzler
Part 1 in my new PlayStation hacking series: An **unpatched** PS4 / PS5 userland exploit that also allows pirating PS2 games. mast1c0re: Hacking the PS4 / PS5 through the PS2 emulator - Part 1 - Escape: Video demo:-
How parasites control hosts.
I believe this is often overlooked in programming. We fixate on making bugs impossible, where a better investment is making classes of bugs easily detectable.-
A spaceship landed in the park. A door dilated and an alien emerged.
"Er," they said.
They looked around, turned and looked at the door, then turned again.
"Do you also experience that?" they asked the gathering crowd. "You go through a door and forget what you were going to do?"
The cat who was completely obsessed with my bump when I was pregnant is quite uninterested in the baby now that she's out. It's a weird way to find out that my cat is a Republican.
This is really bizarre. Russia committed ~85% of its BTGs (which includes naval infantry and VDV) by April. Those units took heavy losses, so Russia has depended on volunteers and reservists since then. The 11th Army Corps based in Kaliningrad was just heavily degraded in Kharkiv
Shashank Joshi @shashj
Xu Yanjun — a 🇨🇳 State Security official and the first Chinese intel agent ever to be extradited to the US to stand trial — attempted to steal technology related to GE Aviation’s exclusive composite aircraft engine fan to benefit China.
Russian army digs deeper into it's reserves, now by conscripting prisoners. We are working on an article about so called PMC "Wagner", will be released on our website soon
1/ Did a culture of institutionalised lying contribute to Russia's recent disaster east of Kharkiv, by giving its senior commanders a distorted and false picture of the true situation on the ground? A 🧵 reviewing the evidence.
33/ As the Russian "Vostok" battalion commander Aleksandr Khodakovsy puts it in a recent Telegram post, "Everything that happens on the ground stays on the ground, and we will only send to the top the things that will not disturb anyone's sleep.
Lying to Ourselves: Dishonesty in the Army Profession
Iconic? Let's find out 👇
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