October 18, 2022

The latest 'Between Two Nerds' is up:
@thegrugq and I talked about whether destructive cyber operation can be integrated with tactical military operations and...
We have doubts.

Russian intelligence can't unduly influence a UK Prime Minister if they can't work out who it is.
Check and mate, Putin.

There's a trial here in Finland right now involving a rich dude and a bunch of scammers, and the whole thing is just the right kind of bizarre. A friend of mine described it as a Coen Brothers type of scenario, and I gotta agree. Just some incredibly bad judgment on display here.

(Incidentally, here's a photo of the MAFIA CONTRACT. You can tell it's pretty legit. I know you can't read it if you don't know Finnish, but let me assure you both grammar and spelling are pretty fucky.)


NEW from me: What responsibilities do civilians have in the civil-military relationship, especially in our hyper-partisan present? 🧵 1/


Hogo-chan and Sara-chan are reformed criminal penguins who cheer on ex-prisoners trying to reintegrate into Japanese society.


Also, the latest URL Rewrite filter from Microsoft STILL isn't good enough.
Why? The IIS URL Rewrite filter has a universal bypass for ALL (not just Exchange) ASPX targets where the request uses the x-up-devcap-post-charset bypass, as described by @irsdl

Will Dormann @wdormann

Zaporizhia Oblast, a Ukrainian quadcopter spots a Russian grenade-carrying hexacopter, a Ukrainian MANPADS team proceeds to engage it.

And last but not least. The Belarusian-Ukrainian border is almost entirely covered by the impassable Polesie marshes, the largest wetlands in Europe. The few sections along the roads where the Russians attacked in February have been turned by Ukrainians into the Maginot Line. 15/


Every American executive and engineer working in China’s semiconductor manufacturing industry resigned yesterday, paralyzing Chinese manufacturing overnight.
One round of sanctions from Biden did more damage than all four years of performative sanctioning under Trump.

30 cybersecurity search engines for researchers:
1. Dehashed—View leaked credentials.
2. SecurityTrails—Extensive DNS data.
3. DorkSearch—Really fast Google dorking.
4. ExploitDB—Archive of various exploits.
5. ZoomEye—Gather information about targets.

Here's 23 free ways to learn about API security testing:
1. Video: Traceable AI, API Hacking 101.
2. Video: Katie Paxton-Fear, API Hacking.
3. Video: Bugcrowd, Bad API, hAPI Hackers.
4. Video: OWASP API Security Top 10 Webinar.
5. Blog: Detectify, How To Hack API's in 2021.

New U.S. DOD reads on counter-insider threat (C-InT):
PERSEREC-PA-21-14: Fundamental Skills for the C-InT Analyst (.pdf, 40pp) dhra.mil/Portals/52/Doc…
PERSEREC-PA-21-13 C-InT Analyst Professionalization Road Map (.pdf, 10pp) dhra.mil/Portals/52/Doc…
Src: dhra.mil/PERSEREC/Selec…


While doing publicity for Robin Hood in New York, Douglas Fairbanks accidentally shot a man with an arrow


Proposal: PhD-level course in "how to get stuff to build and run". The final exam assigns you a random GitHub repo for a paper from no less than five years ago and asks you to get it running within 24 hours
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